
I’ve been in the business a very VERY long time. I know I look so young but trust me I’ve lived a lifetime of experiences already.

This new website far better reflects the person I have become through my BDSM journey, right from the get-go when I rented a dungeon from a gentleman who ran a swingers club in Southampton, I said I would be true to myself. I would always be bright and bubbly and cheerful and funny.

He told me way back then it would never work, I needed to tone myself down, confirm to the stereotype and wear a lot more black clothing, as well as being shouty and mean. 

I told him there and then that I wasn’t interested.  I enjoyed this lifestyle because I got to be a confident and empowered version of my everyday public self, and if I was going to make this a career then I would not be putting on any airs or graces, becoming an actress, or pretending to be somebody I was not. 

This website refresh better reflects the person I truly am, and my aim is to use this journal to give you a little peek into my life, as well as keep you updated on forthcoming availability. 

Many of my clients have commented how they wish they could feel more connected between sessions but cannot use social media for fear of being discovered.

I currently use my WhatsApp status to put up little tidbits and notices about availability, but if you are not in my phone as a contact, and you do not check your WhatsApp on a regular basis (statuses disappear in 24 hours) you probably have no idea what is going on!

Now you have the freedom to discreetly check this journal and see what is happening in my world and plan accordingly.

I do hope you enjoy this update and my musings going forward. 

3 thoughts on “Refreshed!”

  1. A bright website that truly reflects Mistress Ammonites fun outlook on life but don’t be fooled as the dungeon playroom is still dark and full of mystery. What a pleasant surprise on my recent visit when Mistress Claus opened the door, what a lovely Christmas present. Looking forward to sessions 2025, anyone up for forced bi?

  2. Loving your new refreshed website Mistress, a glorious start to my New Year.
    Looking forward to coming to see you soon…who mentioned forced bi 🤭

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